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Hohai Research Forum Research Seminar Series 2017-2018

The Annual Research Seminar Series 2017-2018 of Hohai Research Forum was successfully held on 29th, November 2017 at the Business School of Hohai University, with the motto 'Enrich Your Skills for High-Quality Research'. More than 135 international and local students from five universities in multidisciplinary areas attended the Seminar. The Assistant Dean of Business School Professor Dechun Huang and Associate Professor Jian Hua from the International Cooperation Office of the Business School inaugurated the seminar with their valuable opening remarks.


In this seminar, two sessions were arranged. The first session was on the research methods and the second session was syndicate discussion of different research areas. In the first session, three presentations were presented respectively by Dr. Muddassar Sarfraz on ‘how to start research’, Dr. Salisu Gidado Dalibi on ‘drafting and structuring a research proposal’ and Dr. Md Ekram Hossain on ‘managing your research: using Google scholar & Endnote’.


In the second session, six syndicate discussions were held and the groups are as following: Group 1: International Trade; Regional Integration; Belt and Road Initiative and Sustainable Development; Group 2: Hydrology, Water & Coastal Engineering; Group 3: Business Administration, HR/Strategic/ Organizational Management; Group 4: Construction/Project Management, Green/ Smart Buildings, Built Environment; Group 5: Computer Sciences/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering; Group 6: Earth & Geological Sciences.


In the Seminar, the very interactive discussion was held and the researchers and students discussed and did network with each other to enrich their research skills and improve themselves. The International School and the International Cooperation Office of the Business School of Hohai University offered great support to make this conference possible and successful.