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The "111 Intelligence Plan" Academic Forum and IEEE PES Technical Committee Meeting Was Held in Hohai University

The 111 Intelligence Plan academic forum and IEEE PES technical committee meeting was held in our school on 28, September. Academician Prof. Michael Sterling, Wendy Sterling of British royal academy of engineering, IEEE PES chairman Prof.saifur Rahman, international well-known distribution network expert Erkki Lakervi, Professor Zhang Xiaoping of University of Birmingham, and the former vice-president of Hohai University, prof.Juping have attended this conference. Professor Wufeng, dean of collage of energy and electrical engineering chaired the meeting.

At the meeting, the experts and teachers presented their research direction and the current professional hot issues to report and discuss. Prof Michael Sterling introduced the past, present and future developments of the electrical power system as British as an example, Professor Niming reported on the progress of the information physics coupled modeling and evaluation for electrical power system control center applications, Professor Zhang Xiaoping reported on the flexible traditional DC transmission system supporting energy interconnection, Professor Wufeng analyzed the establishment process of wind wave coupling model to predict the power change of wave power generation.Prof.saifur Rahman explained the role of smart grids in promoting renewable energy integration. Dr.Li Wei presented the construction and practice of the semi-physical simulation platform based on the RTDs cluster. The experts also interacted and communicated with the field teachers and students around the relevant professional hotspots.