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A Letter to HHU International Faculties and Post-Doctorates

Dear international faculties and post-doctorates of Hohai University,

As you may have known, China is launching a people’s war against the proliferation of the coronavirus pneumonia. The whole country is motivated to take decisive and rigorous measures to combat the contagion. Hohai University considers the safety of our international faculties and post-doctorates as important as that of the Chinese faculty. We will take every necessary measure to protect you from the virus. The critical success factor is to prevent the virus from landing on our campuses. To this end, we need both your understanding and cooperation to follow the instructions of the University. Please be aware of the following:

The outbreak of the contagion and the high infectivity of the virus ask for very strict and rigorous measures taken by both the University and your community (if you are currently in China) to contain the proliferation therefore be prepared for a time period when your life is not as usual as it used to be.

The University will be closed at least for February and we are not sure at this moment when the University will reopen. All the teaching and academic activities and most of the services on campuses will be suspended when the University is closed. We will keep you informed of the date of the reopening.

For those of you who are not currently in China, please DON’T come back until you are formally informed by the International Office.

For those who are now in China but not living on campuses, please do NOT visit the campuses.  The University is closed to external visitors, including faculties living off campus. We suggest that you stay where you are and take every necessary measure to protect yourself from the virus.

For those of you who are now living on campuses, please stay indoors as much as possible and minimize your off-campus visits. Please report your off-campus visits to us at least one day in advance so that we can coordinate with the gate-keepers. You will have your temperature and ID checked every time you enter the campuses. Your visitors will be refused to enter the campuses.

If you are now in China and you have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, or coughing, please contact us as soon as possible.

As general guidelines to protect yourself from the virus, we suggest that you stay indoors as much as you can. If you have to go outside, ALWAYS wear a mask and gloves and minimize your direct or indirect contact with other people as much as you can. Keep at least two meters away when you talk to people. Wash your hands very carefully and thoroughly when you come back home from outside.

If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Helen via email at or wechat ID 13851899747.

China is fighting a war against the virus, not only for the sake of China, but also for the safety of other countries. We hope that, by working together with our international faculties and post-doctorates, we will win the war and by then we will be able to get back to our normal lives.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


International Office

Hohai University