Professor Cao Maosen of Hohai University Elected as an Academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Publisher:英文版管理员Release Time:2023-12-13Number of Views:10

Recently, Professor Klaus Mainzer, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, sent a congratulatory letter to Professor Cao Maosen from the College of Mechanics and Materials at Hohai University, for his election as an academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Division of Technology and Environmental Sciences).

Professor Cao Maosen has long been committed to the research of integrating mechanics and mathematics to solve structural damage and safety issues, making internationally influential achievements in the damage mechanism of hydraulic and civil structures, as well as in the health diagnosis theory and algorithm. He has published more than 200 academic papers that have been cited over 3600 times on Google Scholar with a total impact factor of over 700 and an H-index of 31. Furthermore, he has been recognized among the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University and acquired 36 domestic and international invention patents. He has received the first prize of the European Union-China Science and Technology Innovation Dragon STAR Award (ranked 1st), the Marie Curie Fellowship Award in the European Union, and the Jiangsu Friendship Award (as the Chinese team leader), leading his team to win three Natural Science Awards of the Ministry of Education. Additionally, he serves as the chief editor of the international journal, Structural Durability Health Monitoring, the editorial board member of six other international journals, and the vice chairman of China Equipment Structure Health Monitoring and Prognostics Institution.

The European Academy of Sciences and Arts is dedicated to fostering academic advancements and exchanges within European countries, as well as between Europe and the global community, with a particular emphasis on the interdisciplinary integration of sciences, technology, culture, and arts. It consists of seven divisions, namely those of humanities, medicine, arts, natural sciences, social sciences, law, and economics, technology and environmental sciences, and world religions. Among more than 2,000 members of the academy, 33 individuals stand as Nobel laureates, making it one of the scientific academies with the highest proportion of Nobel Prize winners worldwide.